/weather provides comprehensive weather data including current conditions, hourly forecasts, and daily forecasts for any location worldwide.

Requires authentication via API Key
Parameter Description
lat Required Latitude of the location (-90 to 90)
lon Required Longitude of the location (-180 to 180)
parts Optional Choose which data blocks to return. Available options:
  • alerts : Alerts
  • currently : Current conditions
  • hourly : 48-hour forecast
  • daily : 10-day forecast
Default: 'alerts,currently,hourly,daily'
units Optional Unit system for response values:
  • metric: Temperature in Celsius, wind speed in m/s, ...
  • imperial: Temperature in Fahrenheit, wind speed in mph, ...
Default: 'metric'. See units table for details.

Basic request with query parameter API key:

Using API key as a query parameter for New York City weather

Basic request with header API key:

curl https://api.weatherxu.com/v1/weather?lat=40.7128&lon=-74.0060 \
Using API key in request header for New York City weather

Request only current conditions and daily forecast:

curl https://api.weatherxu.com/v1/weather?lat=51.5074&lon=-0.1278&parts=currently,daily \
Returns only current conditions and 10-day forecast for London, showing both authentication methods

Request with imperial units:

curl https://api.weatherxu.com/v1/weather?lat=34.0522&lon=-118.2437&units=imperial \
Returns all weather data for Los Angeles with temperature in Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph

Request with all parameters:

curl https://api.weatherxu.com/v1/weather?lat=48.8566&lon=2.3522&parts=currently,hourly&units=metric \
Returns current conditions and 48-hour forecast for Paris in metric units

Below is an abbreviated response for Los Angeles (34.0522°N, -118.2437°W) using metric units. The response includes current conditions, one sample hourly forecast, and one sample daily forecast. In actual responses, you'll receive 48 hours of hourly forecasts and 16 days of daily forecasts.

Sample response (metric)
Sample response (imperial)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "latitude": "34.0522",
        "longitude": "-118.2437",
        "units": "metric",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "timezone_abbreviation": "PDT",
        "timezone_offset": -25200,
        "dt": 1730470213,
        "alerts": [
            "tile": "Coastal Flood Statement issued November 21 at 3:38AM EST until November 21 at 4:00PM EST",
            "description": "Up to one half foot of inundation above ground level\nexpected in vulnerable areas near the waterfront and shoreline.",
            "endsAt": 1732222800
        "currently": {
            "apparentTemperature": 9.58,
            "cloudCover": 0.13,
            "dewPoint": 5.17,
            "humidity": 68.81,
            "pressure": 1001.7,
            "precipIntensity": 0,
            "temperature": 10.66,
            "visibility": 16093,
            "windGust": 8.82,
            "windSpeed": 3.89,
            "windDirection": 343,
            "icon": "clear"
        "hourly": {
            "data": [
                    "forecastStart": 1730473200,
                    "apparentTemperature": 8.95,
                    "cloudCover": 0.13,
                    "dewPoint": 3.41,
                    "humidity": 79,
                    "pressure": 1002.7,
                    "precipProbability": 0,
                    "precipIntensity": 0,
                    "temperature": 9.85,
                    "visibility": 29900,
                    "windGust": 8.78,
                    "windSpeed": 7.45,
                    "windDirection": 61,
                    "icon": "clear"
                // Additional hourly forecasts for the next 7 days
        "daily": {
            "data": [
                    "forecastStart": 1730444400,
                    "forecastEnd": 1730530800,
                    "sunriseTime": 1730470456,
                    "sunsetTime": 1730509279,
                    "moonPhase": 0.01,
                    "apparentTemperatureAvg": 13.64,
                    "apparentTemperatureMin": 7.96,
                    "apparentTemperatureMax": 19.31,
                    "cloudCover": 25.5,
                    "dewPointAvg": 6.98,
                    "dewPointMin": 3.29,
                    "dewPointMax": 10.66,
                    "humidity": 66,
                    "pressure": 1001.5,
                    "precipProbability": 0,
                    "precipIntensity": 0,
                    "temperatureAvg": 14.57,
                    "temperatureMin": 9.04,
                    "temperatureMax": 20.1,
                    "visibility": 28110,
                    "windGustAvg": 9.34,
                    "windGustMin": 0.68,
                    "windGustMax": 18,
                    "windSpeedAvg": 7.77,
                    "windSpeedMin": 1.13,
                    "windSpeedMax": 14.42,
                    "windDirectionAvg": 148,
                    "icon": "mostly_cloudy"
                // Additional daily forecasts for the next 16 days

Please take a look at Units for a complete list of available units for each parameter.

Parameter Type Description
latitude string Latitude of the location (-90 to 90)
longitude string Longitude of the location (-180 to 180)
units string Unit system for response values. Learn more
timezone string IANA timezone identifier (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles")
timezone_abbreviation string Timezone abbreviation (e.g., "PDT")
timezone_offset number Offset from UTC in seconds
dt number Unix timestamp for the request

Weather alerts at the requested location.

Parameter Type Description
title string Alert title
description string Alert description
endsAt number Optional Unix timestamp when alert ends

Current weather conditions at the requested location.

Parameter Type Description
apparentTemperature number "Feels like" temperature
cloudCover number Percentage of sky covered by clouds
dewPoint number The dew point in degrees
humidity number Relative humidity percentage
icon string Weather condition icon identifier
precipIntensity number Precipitation intensity
pressure number Sea-level air pressure
temperature number Air temperature in degrees
uvIndex number UV index [0-10]
visibility number Visibility in meters
windDirection number Wind direction in degrees
windGust number Wind gust speed
windSpeed number Wind speed

Array containing hour-by-hour forecast for the next 7 days. Each hour contains:

Parameter Type Description
apparentTemperature number "Feels like" temperature
cloudCover number Percentage of sky covered by clouds
dewPoint number Dew point in degrees
forecastStart number Unix timestamp for the start of this forecast period
humidity number Relative humidity percentage
icon string Weather condition icon identifier
precipIntensity number Precipitation intensity
precipProbability number Probability of precipitation percentage [0-1]
pressure number Sea-level air pressure
temperature number Air temperature in degrees
uvIndex number UV Index [0-10]
visibility number Visibility in meters
windDirection number Wind direction in degrees
windGust number Wind gust speed
windSpeed number Wind speed

Array containing daily forecast for the next 16 days. Each day contains:

Parameter Type Description
cloudCover number Percentage of sky covered by clouds
forecastEnd number Unix timestamp for the end of this day
forecastStart number Unix timestamp for the start of this day
humidity number Relative humidity percentage
icon string Weather condition icon identifier
moonPhase number Moon phase (0-1)
precipIntensity number Precipitation intensity
precipProbability number Probability of precipitation percentage [0-1]
pressure number Sea-level air pressure
sunriseTime number Unix timestamp for sunrise
sunsetTime number Unix timestamp for sunset
uvIndexMax number Maximum UV Index for the day [0-10]
visibility number Visibility in meters
windDirectionAvg number Average wind direction in degrees
[parameter]Avg number Average value for the day (available for most parameters)
[parameter]Max number Maximum value for the day (available for most parameters)
[parameter]Min number Minimum value for the day (available for most parameters)

[parameter] includes apparentTemperature, dewPoint, temperature, windGust, windSpeed