The weather API response includes various meteorological measurements that can be returned in either imperial or metric units based on the units parameter in your request. This reference table details the resulting units and valid ranges for each attribute in the response payload when you specify units=imperial or units=metric.

Parameter Imperial Metric
apparentTemperature °F °C
cloudCover % [0, 1]
dewPoint °F °C
forecastEnd Unix Timestamp
forecastStart Unix Timestamp
humidity % [0, 1]
moonPhase Decimal [0, 1]
precipIntensity in/hr mm/hr
precipProbability % [0, 1]
pressure hPa mb
sunriseTime Unix Timestamp
sunsetTime Unix Timestamp
temperature °F °C
visibility feet meters
windDirection degrees [0, 360]
windGust mph km/h
windSpeed mph km/h