API Error Codes
If your query fails, the API will return a 3-digit error-code and a plain text "message" property.
Example Error Response
"success": false,
"error": {
"statusCode": 101,
"message": "User did not supply an API Key."
API Errors
101 |
User did not supply an API Key. |
102 |
User did not supply an access key or supplied an invalid access key. |
103 |
The user's account is not active or this API key is deactivated. |
105 |
User has reached or exceeded the monthly API request allowance for their subscription plan. |
201 |
Please enter a valid latitude and longitude. |
300 |
The user's query did not return any results |
404 |
User requested a non-existent API function. |
429 |
Too Many Requests. |
500 |
Something went wrong, please try again. |